It was a great sight when the lovely southwesterly breeze added to the success of the opening day of Royal Cork last weekend for “At Home” which was sponsored by none other than Mater Private. Kieran O’Connell, the RCYC Real Admiral did the honors by representing himself as a race officer for Cruiser division. Forming a windward mark towards the Cork Harbor’s entrance and utilizing navigation buoys for leeward and gybes marks, in addition to beginning with the white sail fleet notified that every fleet was in close proximity to one another.

While returning to the shore, it was time to enjoy the Crab Fishing and Ladies Afternoon Tea. The Admirals match and the Tug of War contest was a part of the entertainment zone. The girls less than 12 years of age achieved, albeit through the help of some large tools used to grind winches. All in all, it was a great competition and many young sailors not only took part but also enjoyed competing with each other.